Saturday, June 21, 2008

Things That Most People Secretly Wish To Do But Will Only Do If They REALLY Know That Life Is REALLY Going To End One Day

1) Quit their dreary job and go travel the world on a shoestring budget
2) Quit their dreary job and start the costume jewellery making business they have dreamed
of having for the past 10 years
3) Quit their dreary job and become a freelance writer, disccovering the joys of making a living
out of doing something they really love
4) Quit their dreary job and start a business venture that they know deep down is feasible and
5) Quit their dreary job and pursue the degree of music that they always wanted to pursue but
did not due to financial constraints in the past although this financial constraint is now a thing
of the past
6) Quit their dreary job and spend more time with the kids
7) Quit their dreary job and spend more time with their aging parents
8) Quit their dreary job and take time to watch the sunrise, smell the roses and have breakfast
by the sea
9) Quit their dreary job and stop worrying what other people would think
10) Quit their dreary job and for once, have a life.

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Stop. Look Around. Look Inside. Think.

If the world is going to end in ten years' time, how differently would you live your life?