Friday, June 6, 2008

The Perpetual Dilemma..Revisited

IamOnlyHuman was not exactly a die-hard, joss stick-wielding fan of Siddharta Gautama, but this year he welcomed Wesak Day as much as any other Malaysian probably did.

Why? Because it fell on a Monday, and in multiracial and multireligious Malaysia, it meant that Wesak Day would be a public holiday.(I know you are not dumb, but I just needed this sentence to prevent my piece from sounding disjointed)

Ahh..the long weekend awaited. No Monday Blues to reckon with. No going to bed early on Sunday night, no choking yourself the next morning putting on your tie in a hurry, no smudging your lipstick trying to paint your face with your eyes half open.

But alas, Tuesday would arrive. It was inevitable. The sun began to set on Wesak Monday and IamOnlyHuman was positive that he could hear a collective, educated sigh coming from the white collar community around him.

As he picked up the iron to press his Raoul shirt (with a different necktie his colleagues wouldn't notice that he wore the same shirt last Tuesday), his heart almost as heavy as the hot metal in his hand, IamOnlyHuman lifted his eyes to the horizon before him (his room happened to face the sea) and felt a stirring in his very human heart.

"Surely there is something I can do about this.. to reclaim my humanity and get out of this rat race..." he thought, putting down the iron and having the presence of mind to turn off its switch before he sat down on his bed to ponder a little more.

(To be continued.. the writer still has a day job to reckon with)

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Stop. Look Around. Look Inside. Think.

If the world is going to end in ten years' time, how differently would you live your life?