Friday, June 6, 2008

The Perpetual Dilemma..Revisited (Part 2)

The horizon loomed in the distance and IamOnlyHuman lightly marveled at the thought that so many people could be living in a world so vast and yet feel so trapped in their own little spheres of existence.

The curse of the comfort zone?

Is it really easier and safer to just moan and groan till the next Friday or vacation or till retirement arrives? And what next?

A few more years to live as you wish (if your health permits by then) till it is time to bid the world goodbye?

Are there really no alternatives to this?

Massaging his forehead, he let out a deep sigh and decided it was time for dinner. He quickly flicked the switch on again and watched the creases disappear from his Raoul shirt as he went through the pound and smooth, pound and smooth routine on the fabric till the shirt looked presentable enough for tomorrow.

Sometimes it was good to have more questions than answers, but for now, IamOnlyHuman wanted to attend to his most pressing need – deciding where to go to appease the rumblings from his stomach.

He neatly hung his shirt with the necktie he had picked, grabbed his keys and slammed the door behind him – and the horizon continued to loom in the distance.

(to be continued..the writer is still reckoning with her day job)

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Stop. Look Around. Look Inside. Think.

If the world is going to end in ten years' time, how differently would you live your life?